Tidy up your space and free your mind
A Professional Organizer is someone who organises people’s physical space, making their lives easier & practical.
I will work with you to make space for what really matters in your life, at home or at work. Through organising your physical space, I can help you banish the overwhelming feeling and replace it with the freedom to spend your time on what really makes you happy and gives you that spark of joy!

“Decluttering is not just about keeping a tidy home, it is also about organising your mind” -Marie Kondo.
I’m Maggie, and the founder of Tidy & White.
I completed the KonMari Consultant Certification Course in Los Angeles, CA, 20th September 2019.
I am not just a qualified consultant organiser on the KonMari method™, but I also went beyond my limits and knowledge, to carry on discovering other methods of organising: in 2021 I became certified in Baby Organising, Mum Chronogram, Executive Housekeeping Organizing, Home Office Organizing, Moving Organizing, Bereavement Organizing, Digital Organizing, Visual Impaired Organizing and other Disabilities.
In this busy world we live, it is my desire to be able to offer my services to you and bring that experience into your life.
I can help you with…
A professional organiser brings relief to your stress and helps you visualize the life style that you chose to live in, assisting you to treasure your loved items, whilst being mindful of your individuality and your needs.
If you have problem areas in your household; closets, pantries, playrooms, etc. let me assist you with organising those spaces using the KonMari Method™ as well as Tidy & White deals we offer and providing solutions that are stress-free, practical, and fit in with your lifestyle.
How many times have you visualized yourself achieving a good standard of living space and freeing your mind? Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you give up easily? Do you procrastinate? Would you like to live in a Tidy place + Tidy Mind = Tidy life?
Have you got your eye on a style that you’re finding difficult to achieve? I can help you to visualise the lifestyle you want to lead, by offering you key practical steps.
A professional organiser brings relief to your stress and helps you visualize the life style that you chose to live in, assisting you to treasure your loved items, whilst being mindful of your individuality and your needs.
If you have problem areas in your household; closets, pantries, playrooms, etc. Let me assist you with organising those spaces using the KonMari Method™ and providing solutions that are stress-free, practical, and fit in with your lifestyle.
How many times have you visualized yourself achieving a good standard of living space and freeing your mind?,Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you give up easily? Do you procrastinate? Would you like to live in a Tidy place + Tidy Mind = Tidy life?
Have you got your eye on a style that you’re finding difficult to achieve? I can help you to visualise the lifestyle you want to lead, by offering you key practical steps.
Don’t know where to start?
Sometimes you just need an extra pair of hands and that’s where I come in!
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